CO2 laser enable homing

Hi everyone.

I was wondering, when I use my rotary, it is possible that I use it for several days.
But when I power on my laser, it will home automaticaly.
With my diode laser, I can change the setting simply for disabling the homing procedure.

I was wondering if I could also do this with my CO2 laser with the “Enable homing” settings for the X Axis and the Y axis.

So when I power up my laser, it will stay at the same place as it was.

That makes sense. Try it.

Your machine won’t know where it is as far as the edges of the work area… This is probably OK for a rotary if you want to do it…

Your other option is to press esc on the machine console when it homes… this will escape out of the homing sequence…

You can save a version of the configuration for the rotary. I have two rotaries, chuck and roller… the roller is a more sensitive to acceleration and maximum speed. I load the applicable machine settings file to change the setup. After I’m done, I reload the normal settings.


Hi, I will indeed have to try it sometime in the short feature.
The problem with rapidly pushing the escape button is that the laser head has already moved a few centimeters.

Thanks for the answers.

Then move the head where you need it, press origin and set start from to user origin.


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