CO2 Laser Head slams into the right rail

I gave up last year on trying to figure out my Boss Laser (LS1416) and just stopped using it, however last week I decided to take one more run at it. I now have a new issue stopping me. When I plug in my PiBurn rotary tool and try to do anything, the laser head slams into the right rail and starts grinding. I believe I am running a recent version of Lightburn (1.7.03).

How do I determine if my issue is Lightburn or the Boss Laser?

Can you home the laser from the controls on the laser?
If your machine homes correctly on startup then perhaps.

Double check your machine origin in LB matches the home position of the laser.

Do you have home switches on the rotary?

My PiBurn doesn’t, so it won’t home if reset with the rotary installed on Y.


Oh geez. I must be suffering from the Mondays today… I completely misread that one. “rotary tool” Yeah no limits on the rotary obviously

I unplugged the PiBurn and connected the machine Y back up, still grinds away trying to force the head further right than there is travel. Sounds like it is trying to tear the drive belt apart.

I have called Boss numerous times (and emailed several times), I am wondering if they actually have support any more?

There are only a couple of things that can cause this… both related to your home switch function. If the any axes home operation is disabled, it should not seek it’s home location.

Did you disable both axes home operations when you installed your rotary? I’ll assume you re-enabled both axes home operations within the controller?

You can manually check the operation of the home switches by using a screwdriver or other Ferris metal to make the switch become active. Here’s a quick video.

You can also check the home switch on the Ruida by it’s led display. This is for the Y axes, but I hope you get the idea.

And via the machines console… On mine (6442g) it’s Z/U → Diagnosis and it will show if the machine is detecting it.

This shows Xlimit- (home) and Water protect active.

My water protection failed sometime after this picture, it shows up on the led, but doesn’t show active if I look at the machines diagnosis screen.

Hope this helps…
