Co2 laser test pulse is fine but doesnt fire while working

Hello can anyone have an idea to why this happens?

I have a 5040 co2 laser and new after installation and everything perfectly set. I got a problem, it doesnt fire the laser when working, but when i hit the test button it fires,

This version of the laser machine doesnt have a water flow sensor due to some reasons form the manufacture.

Please help.

Is that the Test button on the HV power supply?

If so, that indicates the laser can work, but suggests a configuration error.

Or is it the manual Pulse button on the controller?

If so, it could be as simple as having the layer’s Output switch turned off in LightBurn. Upload a simple *.lbrn2 file so everybody here can take a look at it.

Does the machine have a flow sensor in the water chiller and is it wired to the controller? If not, that is inexcusable. Anything interrupting the water flow will kill the laser tube.

If the manufacturer delivered a laser configured to use a flow sensor, but did not provide one, then the controller is correctly protecting the laser tube. You can change the configuration to ignore the missing flow sensor, but … that is an extremely bad idea.

The test is on the controller not the power, basically both test button fires…

It doesn’t have a flow sensor, the water pipes doesnt have a sensor throughout all the pipe ways to the tube,

Also this one has a separate switch to turn on the laser system,

So it’s configured properly without a flow switch. Yick!

In addition to uploading the LightBurn file, upload screenshots of the Edit → Machine Settings configuration so we can see what else might be configured weirdly.

Has this ever worked with any software?

How do you know?

I see few of these without a flow sensor… it needs to be operational or you will loose a tube… humans do this… I have done it… it’s worth it to install one… after you get it to work…

Did you install this controller or is it factory new with Lightburn support?

Are you connecting OK?

Did you setup the machine using Lightburn grbl setup?


No it doesnt support light burn but i hopped it was a common hardware issue since there is a variation of it that does, i use laserDRW and Corel Laser,

And none of these software have any setting that is about power control or triggering the laser


You need to know what kind of controller you have… this looks like a k40 type controller…

Where did you get it? Do you have a link?


I like this part of the description:

Control System Brand: M2 or RUIDA

I’m absolutely sure they tucked some controller in there.


Bonus: T.I.L. the Alibaba “Title” field can hold a 124 character word salad.

Maybe a good photo of the board… The photo looks like a stock K40 type…


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