Cohesion 3d board and lightburn

Good morning everyone. I’m hoping someone can help me with my problem. I purchased a Omtech K40 laser and then replaced the board with the cohesion 3D board and using Lightburn. Seems all went well until I setup in Lightburn. I go through the setup procedure and Lightburn basically says great your complete. When I click ok I get a popup stating you must setup a device in the program and brings me back to the setup wizard. I can’t get past setup. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you

The intended way through is by entering the correct settings for your device.
You may need to attempt ‘Find My Laser’ or ‘Create Manually’, and allowing that device profile, prior to clicking OK. It’s been a while since I’ve added an engraver.

The fast way to get past the Devices window is to make a fake grbl machine with a 10mm x 10mm workspace to get past the setup. You can fix that after by adding the real machine by clicking Devices in the Laser window in LightBurn.

I’m not entirely certain which screen you’re looking at. Please share some Screen Captures (using Windows Snip, MW Snap or one of the PrintScreen hot-keys) so I can see what you’re seeing.

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Hello John. Sorry I didn’t get back sooner had to go in yesterday for a heart catheterization. Thank you so much for responding to my problem. I was finally able to get it set up as Smoothieware and recognized by Lightburn. That’s the good news, however I am still having some major problems unfortunately. I have two diode lasers hooked up to Lightburn with no problems. The new laser is an Omtech K40 with a Cohesion 3D board I installed. When I choose the K40 I get “waiting for connection” It give me two choices for com ports #1 Auto and #2 Com1. Either one I choose gives me the “waiting for connection” message. Would you have any suggestions? Could I have installed the board wrong? I have been screwing with machine for three weeks and have only burned a dot when I fire the laser! LOL Again thanks you for your help. ron

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