Colour Palette in Lightburn

Hi everyone, I have a question about the Colour Palette in Lightburn.
Is there a way of customizing these colours, i often find myself ignoring over half the colours because they are so hard to see on the screen/laserbed background.
It would be a very sweet feature to have if not, especially as i could then have a colour range for engraving, one for cutting etc which would make it easier to have defaults set and thus not having to change speed and power so often.

Many thanks

no, the color palette cannot be changed. It has something to do with the colors required by some machines I believe. Look into using the materials library for your settings. That is a much better workflow. Particularly since when you load a project, the layer settings load with it, overwriting any setting you may have had in the layer.

Ok, what a shame, but good tip on the materials library, i’ll check it out.

Thanks for taking your time to reply

Maybe, but what color could you change one to that is not already in the pallet?

Quite a few of them. Almost half in fact. They are way too light to see properly when used on cut layers. And i would have organised them, to use as colour coding

For 90% of my work I only use 3 layers. Fill/Engrave (Black 00), Score/Mark (Blue 01), and Cut (Red 02). Occasionally I will have an additional layer or 2 if things need an offset fill or a lighter/darker engraving. I pull the settings from the materials library for the layer as needed.


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