Comgrow 4 in 1 Rotary Roller and xTool D1 Pro Issues

I just received a Comgrow 4 in 1 Rotary Roller. Attemping to set up with xTool D1 Pro 20w and Lightburn. Appears top have a connection but when I hit Test in the rotary setup screen the rollers don’t move. They appear to try to move but they remain stationary.
Have it connected to the laser and turned on Enable Rotary, selected Roller, set roller diameter to 15.50mm (verified via calipers), and set mm per rotation to 128. Also tried 32 mm per rotation and other variations. Also tried resetting Steps per mm in Machine Setting to $101=80. Any help would be appreciated.

Until the rotary actually moves, you should not be changing parameters.

Comgro > xTool D1
There could be a wiring mismatch due to different manufacturers. Some provide a second cable with 2 wires crossed at the plug on one end. Did you get one of these?

Thanks, I was able to get it working last night. Use the cable adapters recommended from instructions. Rechecked all connections and found that I missed disconnecting the second stepper motor. Rebooted PC and restarted program and all is ok.

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