ComMarker B4 20W Fiber Laser Tumbler Settings

I’m not sure if this is the right place, but I’m looking for some help with my laser settings… Yall please let me know if there is a better spot for this.

I’m playing around with a new fiber laser (ComMarker B4 20W). I have the rotary set up and am working on some tumblers. I can’t seem to get a shinny brushed finish with my etches on the rotary.

This is currently my best:

This is my setup:


0.05mm interval, 550 mm/sec, 90% power, 55 khz

one pass with bi-directional fill

0.00 overlap and 0.02 splitsize on rotary

5.5 mm defocus as suggested on the Laser Everything YouTube channel

Anyone have any suggetsions?

This is a nice value, but it really depends on your lens, since the spot size varies with the lens.

I believe your split size should be a multiple of your interval… You want it to rotate to the next scan… after three moves you will be 0.06 and your interval is 0.05…

The bigger your split size usually relates to a faster job… However you scan speed is rather low, so I don’t know how much of a difference that will make.

This is for a lens tube… on a co2

Good luck


Thanks for the reply. I’m using a 110mm lens currently.

So if I have a 0.05 interval I’d be better off with a 0.025 or 0.05 split? That makes sense.

These yeti tumblers are giving me fits…

Yes… there is little depth of field with that short of a lens.

You may want to increase the split size… if you pick an interval of 0.05, you’d probably be safe with 10 times that or 0.50 split size. I think mine is about 20 times larger than my interval… Mine was in focus also…

This is my JPT specifications…

Using this calculator and these values with a F110mm lens - depth of focus is only 0.762mm… at 1mm you’re out of focus… assuming similar values from the source.


Do you know what lens he used on the machine he was using?

You might do better with a less out of focus … ?

If you have a test mug… I’d vary this a bit and make it less out of focus… just a suggestion… Alex is usually pretty close… if he’s using an F110mm then you may be fine.

Good luck


Thanks for the tips! I spent some time with a trash test yeti mug today…

I found these were my best settings (getting much better than the pic I showed above)

Split = 0.02
Offset = 0.00

Laser (110mm lens) (In focus with the apex of the cup):
750 mm/s
25% power
0.02 interval
60 kHz frequency
4-5 passes

I’ll try to follow up on this thread with a picture in case someone is searching in the future from the ComMarker B4 20W settings.

Quite a different group of settings…

I would think you should be able to do this in a single pass… However, I have a 60W machine…

I’ll be looking forward to seeing the results of your toil…



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Not perfect… but getting better. This is with the above settings I mentioned yesterday:

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Definitely has a better look… Thanks for the photos and the settings…

How long does this take to run?


I didn’t time it, but it takes a decent amount of time since I do 3-5 passes

Hi there redbeardops! I appreciate the open discussion here. I recently (2 days ago) got into my first laser machine. I’ve tried every setting under the sun and ruined a handful of cups already but this is cleaning up my work quite a bit. I’m really stunned by the fact that 100% power doesn’t remove the paint like 25% does. I have a lot to learn here!

**edit - I think something is wrong with my laser after watching your video. It doesn’t remove any of the coating even with multiple passes.

Order with a credit card… If they stick it to you, the credit card company will usually reimburse you.

Good luck
