Como actualizar FIRMWARE de SCULPFUN S9 en MacBook Air con Big Sur (How to update SCULPFUN S9 FIRMWARE on MacBook Air with Big Sur)

Hola buenos días quisiera que alguien me explicara como puedo actualizar el firmware de mi maquina SCULPFUN S9 he cambiado el eje “X” por el modelo nuevo y dejo de funcionar he leído en el foro que alguien lo soluciono actualizando el firmware pero en el video lo instalan en Windows y yo tengo un MacBook Air y no se si el método es diferente.

Hello, good morning. I would like someone to explain to me how I can update the firmware of my SCULPFUN S9 machine. I changed the “X” axis for the new model and it stopped working. I read in the forum that someone solved it by updating the firmware but in The video is installed in Windows and I have a MacBook Air and I don’t know if the method is different.

I noticed the words Planck’s Constant in your post. I will revise the original and the translation.

If you are working with a sketch or source code you can use the instructions at

If you want to use a .bin or .hex file I would need to see the link where you got found this file. Please share a link to the video so that I can see what you’re seeing.

Is it only the X axis that no longer works? Does the Y axis work and does the Fire button work?

No funcionan ninguno de los dos ni el eje “X” ni el eje "Y"se quedan atascados intenta moverse pero no lo hacen sin embargo el láser si funciona por que le doy al botón de disparo y lo hace cuando intento mover la maquina me sale ALARMA 8 Error de inicio.El ciclo no pudo borrar el interruptor de limite al extraer.Intente aumentar el ajuste de extracción o verifique el cableado pero el cableado funciona perfectamente igual que el botón de encendido

Neither the “X” axis nor the “Y” axis work, they get stuck, they try to move but they don’t, however the laser does work because I press the fire button and it does when I try to move the machine I get comes out ALARM 8 Start Error. Cycle failed to clear limit switch on draw. Try increasing draw setting or check wiring but wiring works perfectly same as power button

Did you add the limit switches? It sounds like they work inverted. Change $5 to 1 and check again. Have a look here for reference: Limit Switches - Diode Laser Wiki

Please type the following report requests into the Console window, pressing enter after each one.
Please copy and paste them into a reply here. It is easy to overlook the $27 Draw or Pull-back setting. The setting has to be large enough to release the switch after homing.