Complete cut only in beginner mode

Hi, I am looking for an advice.
Last few days we have problem with missing cut lines. Parts of lines are missing or even the whole line is missing.
Maybe it is because of update to version 1.4.04 on my laptop.
I draw project with lines and it looks perfect. But in preview are missing lines and some of them seems to be offset somehow. Final product is useless and it is waste of material. For exapmle I cut and engrave daisy - final product is only outher shape and engraved middle circle with no petals.
The only solution I found is to switch to beginner mode. Preview now looks fine, but I dont want to work in beginners mode. Can someone help me to find which option causes this?

Can you upload your file to look at?
In menu is window > filled/coarse checked?

pomnenky-jen modra.lbrn2 (201.8 kB)

Problem is not in preview display. Preview shows what laser really cut/engrave. So i make flower with lines, but final product is just cut outher shape and engraved middle circle.

Your blue layer is set to 2900 mm/sec. Your machine probably refuses to go that fast - I know I would!

This speed was working OK last 6 months …

We bought Twotrees TS2 and lightburn. After few experimets at the beginning we had settings that worked fine for us. We made another projects with the same settings. Last few days something changed. Itself. Maybe some part of upgrade to newest version. I have no other explanation…

Maybe solved…

These speeds are probably mm/min, instead. Layer 00 to cut wood, layer 01 to engrave it. The kind of values I use on a 10 W diode laser, at least.

Yes, looks like a kerf offset that’s messing things up.

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