It seems to happen all the time now, I keep LB up on my computer 24/7 but my laser is only on when I need it. So I’ll work up a project, turn the laser on and nothing. LB can’t ever connect to it, I’ll have to turn both off numerous times them finally it will find it. I am wired via USB the cord is roughly 20 foot long, laser and computer are on opposite sides of the room and I can’t change that. It’s really frustrating having to do it over and over just to run a project. I even try to run the setup wizard and it doesn’t find it. Rubia 644XG controller. Thanks
I was having similar issue… is your usb connection powered??? Also in lightburn bottom right corner make sure it’s set to usb.serial and not Auto
The usb on the Ruida seems to be a problem, I had lots of issues with it and finally switched to wifi bridge. The Lightburn Pi bridge is not like a bridge you purchase from Amazon.
If you have a Raspberry Pi you can setup Lightburn Pi Bridge or purchase one from them.
I had some difficulty in a large upload to the Ruida via a direct connect Ethernet connection.
It kept failing during the ‘send’.
Switched over to the Pi Bridge, so I go via wireless to my local net then wireless to the bridge.
Whatever code they have in there allowed it upload with no issues…
There is some ‘magic’ in the Lightburn Bridge… I love mine…
Good luck
I don’t know if it’s powered or not, just one I got from Amazon. On the bottom right corner I assume you are talking about devices, I only have the option for AUTO, when I click the drop down menu there isn’t any other option.
More information on this please, to say I am in the dark is an understatement. Thanks
If the question is about the bridge…
I used a $12 wireless bridge from amazon for a while, which was way better than the USB.
… price went up… Configured it as a wireless bridge…
Good luck
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