qualcuno saprebbe dirmi che numeri inserire alla voce mm per rotazione del setup di lightburn per il Rotary?
Come si calcola questo numero?
would anyone be able to tell me which numbers to insert in the entry mm for rotation of the lightburn setup for Rotary?
How is this number calculated?
Thank you
The mm per rotation is the amount of error in mm that the engraved object travels when one rotation is commanded.
Put a loop of tape around the cylindrical object you are engraving and create a rectangle in LightBurn that ‘should’ be the the perfect belt for that object.
when you engrave the rectangle you will find that there is some mechanical slip or compression in the soft rollers. It will make an error that you can correct for with this feature.
The correct thing to enter in that box for now is zero. once you have engraved a test-belt you can generate the number to put there.