I purchased a L8-Max engraver and cannot connect it to my macbook pro running Sanoma 14.6.1 using Lightburn I have downloaded the driver CH34xVCPDriver and made sure it was working. I have checked the baud rates and they are the same. I used the import function but the com port did not set. When I went to reset the port the only three that show up are cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port, cu.BLTH, and cu.CMsEX. I have tried reloading the software, the drivers. and have tried to configure it with my network.
Many have found connection problems with Mac and their laser to be an issue with how MacOS translates, or rather doesn’t translate the onboard USB 3+ to the USB 2.0 of the laser. The most common solution seems to be using a "dumb: USB 2.0 hub connected though a Lightning adapter. Faulty, cheap USB cables are another source of problem for Mac and PC users alike. Get a high quality USB cable, with the ferrite core on the ends and a USB 2.0 hub and see if that solves your issue.
Here is a video that may help diagnose your issue.