Connection of laser with software

my 50W laser doesn’t want to start workiong. It reponds with a “trying to connect”

Please give information on laser model, controller make/model. Which computer and operating system you are using. How are you trying to connect from computer to laser?

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I’m having the same problem with an Atomstack (BurnLab) A20 PRO not connecting to my MacBook Air running OS 10.12.6, High Sierra–or vice versa. When I try to send an image to it the console responds with “Waiting for Connection” followed by “Device not found. Port in use?”
Now, I’m REALLY new to this whole business and there’s a whole lot of ‘alphabet soup’ out there that I’m not relating to. The whole process is so un-Mac-like that it’s making me a bit crazy…

Here’s what I have found out. If I run the software LazerGRBL, the lazer works. If I switsh back to Lightburn and try to communicate, it is a different port and can’t connect. I switch the port and the lazer says it’s busy in the console. Either port doesn’t cooperate in Lightburn due to notconnecting or other port says it’s busy. good luck

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