Connection problem between Ligthburn PC and controller Board

Hello i am new in the forum i have since yesterday following problems.
The connection via Lightburn software and Laser board break.
The error connection lost fom lightburn or laser board.
Does eyerybody have some ideas or the same issue.
The laser break ant stops the work.

thanks for help

Try a different USB cable. If that does not work, purchase a quality USB cable that is shielded and contains ferrites on it.

Hi Mikey, i have a usb wire between the shielded usb cable the other wire is to short to th pc. I have found in my material box a ferrit and i will check if that is enough or i must by a longer usb cable with ferrit.

thanks for your idea

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I have a usb connected MKS DLC32 V2 board also. It always seem to connect without any issues.

Does the board show up in your device manager?


Hi yes the board was shown in the device manager.
I have cut today some wood without problems.
I have make a ferrit on the usb cable.

regards torsten

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Hi the problem exist some times the laser beam stops and the Step motors are stop too.
The finishing time in lightburn continues.
When i move the position over the touch display the laser beam start and laser on the wood.
I have put the controler board between the controler and the laser.
My plan was upgrade the Laser to 10W 24V in the next step.
I will put the laser directly to the controller board and check if the error is gone.

regards Torsten

the error always exist sporadic with stoping the engraving