Windows 11 machine connected to HPC laserscript 1290.
Constantly fighting to get a stable connection each time i want to use the laser.
I have tried re installing the software along with the FTDI or FDTI what ever it was and that didn’t solve the issue. I have a decent direct USB cable which also didn’t solve the issue. Lately I’ve even had lightburn crash in-between uploading and sending files to the laser. Which then bring me around full circle to laser disconnected issue.
All I want is to be able to turn the machine on open lightburn and be on my way, instead im having to turn the laser on a nd off, unplug the usb from both the laser and the machine and cross my fingers that it works.
Thank you for moving this. My best advice in your situation is to go with an Ethernet connection rather than USB. Those that do rarely have connection problems. I run mine through my LAN, but a direct connection works as well. This guide should help with that.
On a side note, Ruida controllers get finicky when they have too many files stored on them. You can easily see what files are on your machine using the “Files” tab in LightBurn and manage them from there also. It’s much easier than deleting them individually from the controller.
most machines dont have 2 ethernets and my machine is one of those machines. Lightburn can be great but this issue is winding me up. there needs to be a fix to create a 100% solid connection each time i want to use the machine this is a joke.
The usual setup has the Ruida controller plugged into the same wired LAN as the rest of the networked devices. The controller hardware doesn’t directly support WiFi connections, but folks have added network bridges converting WiFI to a wired connection.