Convertng an image to Vector

Hi All, I have had a request from a fellow in a nursing home to ask me if I could do a cut out of a 1972 Dodge Fargo truck for him (I did a nursing one and he really liked it) … I have brought in items to TRACE before and it has all worked well but I think this one may have too many details?? My question is do you use trace or do you use other software then bring it in to trace to capture the details (Like the word Dodge on the hood) see attached… I have not had a request like this previously so looking for advice and or process so I can repeat it again if I need to…dodge1 [dodge1.lbrn|attachment]dodge1.lbrn (121.5 KB)

Yeah, this source art is a bit challenging. I used the new ‘Adjust Image’ to provide a bit more definition to start, then ‘Trace Image’ and got this result. Additional node editing might be required to get the final look you are after, but here is my stab…

dodge2.lbrn2 (444.8 KB)

Thank You Rick… This is Very Good! I will try to duplicate the results … much appreciated!

You are welcome. I find, the more you play with different source art, dialing in a good trace can be achieved. Play, practice and play some more…you will start to get a feel for the controls available. Keep at it, you will be an expert in no time. :slight_smile:

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