Coreldraw 2020 macro to LB Offset?

I am using Coreldraw2020 to macro import into LightBurn.
I have created a workspace in Corel the same size as the workspace in LB.
I import into LB by placing peces to be cut inside a box made by double clicking on the rectangle tool in Corel, thus creating a box the exact size of the workspace in LB, selecting everything, and importing the selection.

I have noticed that when imported the box is ALWAYS offset by 0.0182 on X as well as Y. It’s not a huge problem, but I am trying to figure out if there is some sort of offset setting I can change to zero it in every time.

TIA for the help and look forward to figuring this out!

  • D.J.

Edit for clarity:
LightBurn v1.0.00
I had a problem I couldn’t figure out before with any update past this. Can’t remember what it was but I know v1.0.00 has been working flawlessly aside from this problem, as well as my project time estimates being off. But that’s a problem for another post.

I do my designing with Coreldraw2020 and use the Macro like you do.
I haven’t had the issue running any of the versions (currently using 1.4.00) but, after experimenting I have found an offset of 0.09 mm if I use anything other than hairline as my line setting on any outside line. As a Corel user, I must admit I regularly import into Lightburn just to use the trace function and then export it as Adobe Illustrator file so I can do everything else it Corel. Corel tends to be slow when it comes to tracing.

Thanks for the reply!

I don’t think I would have noticed it if I hadn’t spent 2 days realigning my BOSS HP2436 and resetting the decive in LB. Everything was just off enough to not matter before but now everything is spot on… as long as i remember to zero out the X and Y from the top right (0.0) before sending anything to run. The outline I make around the workspce in Corel before exporting is almost always a hairline, so I wonder what is causing the offset?

As for PowerTrace in Corel, it’s a crapshoot. Either gives me exacly what I need, or completely misses the mark. I didn’t even know LightBurn had a trace function as I’ve only started using it the past 2 years for our 150w BOSS. I’ve owned and worked with a Universal VLS3.60 for more than a decade and boy is it a TIME learning a new software AND machine at the same time. Back to tracing though. if you have Ai it has a VERY good trace function that was brought to my attention when we picked up our pad printing laser platemaker. Have to import bitmaps, rasterize at 2400DPI, and then Make and Expand.

I’ve used Ai’s Make and Expand function for detail that Powertrace wouldn’t pick up, the only drawback is I believe it’s a either a black and white function, or i havent figured out how to trace colors yet!

Thanks again for the reply, hope we can both get some answers!

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