Creality 10w kit for ender3v2

hi could someone help please i have googled from dusk till dawn and here is my problem every time i try to set my unit to home it goes the opposite way and will not stop that is on both x and y axis here is my console

Waiting for connection…

Port failed to open - already in use?

e[0;32mI (1331) serial: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0e[0m

e[0;32mI (1403) serial: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0e[0m


e[0;32mI (2492) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 1| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 e[0m

e[0;31mE (2515) vfs_fat_sdmmc: sdmmc_card_init failed (0x107).e[0m

e[0;32mI (2516) gpio: GPIO[13]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 0| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 e[0m

e[0;31mE (2518) sdmmcfs: Failed to initialize the card (ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT). Make sure SD card lines have pull-up resistors in place.e[0m

e[0;31mE (2519) sdmmcfs: TF mount failed


e[0;32mI (2520) gpio: GPIO[15]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 e[0m

e[0;32mI (2522) gpio: GPIO[2]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 e[0m

e[0;32mI (2523) gpio: GPIO[14]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0 e[0m

[MSG:Axis count 2]

e[0;31mE (2634) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (2635) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (2636) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (2638) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;32mI (2640) serial: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:1e[0m

spindle_pwm_off_value:0.000000 spindle_pwm_min_value:0.000000 spindle_pwm_max_value:1023.000000

e[0;31mE (2644) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (2646) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (2647) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (2648) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

spindle_pwm_off_value:0.000000 spindle_pwm_min_value:0.000000 spindle_pwm_max_value:1023.000000

Grbl 1.3a [‘$’ for help]






e[0;31mE (11077) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

e[0;31mE (11078) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

Port failed to open - already in use?

I dont’t have LB instaled on this desktop but i know there is a few settings that can result on that issue.
Somewhere you can select where you home position is. This is a software setting. On the hardware settings you can invert Y and X direction. I already had to change a binary code somewhere to do that.

Check if your com port is selected correctly.
Check ou change USB cable. I had some problems and had to change the cable for a ferrite core one.

this is with a replaced cable

Waiting for connection…
e[0;32mI (1327) serial: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0e[0m
ue:0.000000 spindle_pwm_max_value:1023.000000
Grbl 1.3a [‘$’ for help]
e[0;32mI (7753) serial: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0e[0m
e[0;32mI (8777) serial: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:1e[0m
e[0;31mE (24152) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m
e[0;31mE (24153) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() firste[0m

my problem is this as only happened since firmware update which was this


will post a link to youtube showing exactly what happens

Ok,… I’ve been there.

Try this,
Go to the “machine settings” and try “calibrate axis” settings.
Maybe $23 or others.
Machine Settings - LightBurn Software Documentation.

Before you hit home button check if direction buttons works properly.

tried that all that does is give how far they travel on x and y axis still does not cure why it will not home in any corner and tries to exceed its travel wish i had never purchased one to be honest

First confirm that jogging controls work as expected. Up moves up, down moves down, right moves right, and left moves left. Note that up/down may be different than what you expect for a 3d printer. Up should move the bed towards you.

Next, run these commands in Console and return output:


Finally, in the video it looked like you had configured the machine as GRBL-M3. This should be GRBL. Push Devices button in Laser window. Then click on your laser, then Edit. Change to GRBL profile and then complete the rest of the wizard.

Do that machine has limit switches?
It should not allow movement until it hits and bounces off the belts. :thinking:

firstly thank you to everyone trying to help
It has limit switches

and now for the following information
changed to GRBL bed size x axis 235 y axis 235


































sorry forgot this little bit

top arrow bed moves away from me
bottom arrow bed moves towards me
left arrow moves laser right
right arrow move laser left

Run this in Console and then retest homing:


I suspect you will also need to apply this to address left right homing direction:


Also, confirm that you changed the device profile to GRBL.

Is your actual laser bed size 235x235? If so, that’s not reflected in your GRBL settings.

In that case, run this in Console:


will let you know shortly

berainlb excellent well what can i say it homes now just going to do a test and see what the laser is like and thank you very much

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