WHat does this mean? How do I rectify it?
What it says is the computed laser travel exceeds the boundaries of your workspace.
- Make sure nothing outside your workspace is selected, Use Cut Selected Graphics button to help.
- If image scanning, Overscanning may be too high. Typical is 2.5%, but can vary. To see it, check the Show traversal moves in the Preview window.
- Project is too large for your workspace. Shrink it a little bit if you can.
Mike - I am a total newbie. I cant find the “cut selected graphics” button.
Mike, I have the same problem with my Elegoo 10w engraver. Could you please let me know how could I select the right space/workspace so that I could frame it out.
Thank you
Sorry about the delayed response. Windows burped and I had trouble finding this post.
Cut selected graphics is in the Laser window.
Workspace is set in the Device Settings window. You should enter the actual X & Y travel limits. This can be obtained from your $130 (X) and $131 (Y) GRBL values. You can view by entering $$ in the Console window.
When you zoom out the workspace window, you will see a box with grid lines in it. That is the boundaries of your laser area. If your working part is smaller than that, you can draw a box representing the part. Make that box a T1 or T2 layer so it does not burn.
Cut selected graphics is your friend. It allows you to have various stuff that you can pick and choose for processing. CTRL-A will select EVERYTHING, even if something is way off to the side.
The Preview window is also your friend. It shows what you have selected. I use this one a lot.
Finally, the postings and online documentation, as well as Youtube videos, are a goldmine of information. Running a laser is not a learn-it-in-a-day hobby. It will never be boring. Fire up the machine and have fun!
Mike - would you have ten minutes to talk or do a screenshare? I am not seeing this…
If it was just us, I would be happy to. But you, and I, are not the only one with issues. If we went “offline”, the other users would not have the advantage of our success.
I understand your frustration, but I learned there is little right-now messing with these lasers. So let us take it one step at a time. Remember, you are my eyes and ears for your machine. and everything is in millimeters.
First, we get your workspace set up; In the two boxes, you enter the maximum X and Y travel specified for your machine (I recommend you round down a bit). You can obtain these values ($130 & $131) by entering $$ in the Console window. When finished, come back and we will move to the next question.
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