Hi Richard, you are my hero
It is a pleasure to view your vids, I really appreciate them.
Greets from Germany
Hallo @Hardy! Thank you!
A big Thanks from Belgium, learned a lot.
Glad you enjoyed it @Raoul!
I blasted through all of your videos earlier today. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge @richfaraone. I’ve been using lightburn for a couple years, and learned a lot. I’ll be using libraries from now on, for sure.
Gald to hear it @Daboo! Thanks for watching!
Thank you so much will definitely subscribed
@Nazwhite Thank you Ms. Regina!
I really enjoy the tutorials that you have posted to date and I look forward to others that you post in the future. Well done … all of them!
@frenshaw Thank you Frank, and I enjoy doing them as well!
Having watched the take 2 ‘No music’ video - (I do agree with others who don’t like background noise…)
I have a question/issue. If you use the library and ‘assign to layer’ I would expect the ‘Cuts/Layers’ tab and the colour of the graphic being ‘assigned’ to reflect the colour (NO - that is the PROPER way to spell it folks…: ) that was assigned when you made the library settings… ?. i.e. I use the layer colours to visually tell me what the lines will engrave as. Say 01 (Blue) = 20% power and 100 speed.
Alas the library doesn’t follow suit with the colours - or is there another secret way to do this for the ascended and enlightened ones???.
@Nous As far as I know, the library just assigns speed and power, not layers. But I’m still a novice at this software. @Rick or @LightBurn would better answer this.
The English have odd things to get upset about. In the good old USA it is COLOR. LOL
The settings in the Materials Library are available to be assigned to any layer. The information stored is not layer-specific nor knows of color.
The library entry is available to be assigned to any layer. Most folks label each entry with information to help them choose the correct entry for the desired setting, not based on any color. Here is an example to show what I mean by labeling the entry:
Here is the documentation to assist in understanding the Materials Library: https://lightburnsoftware.github.io/NewDocs/MaterialLibrary.html
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