Cross Hatch Issue

When I turn cross-hatch on, the vertical run is not coming out totally aligned with the first horizontal line. Its eating out some details and creating jagged edges.

You can see it in the example: the cat on the left is with cross-hatch. The cat on the right is without. I attached also a close up.

How can I fix it? I have overscanning on at 2.5% (2.5mm) and trying a 15° degree angle didn’t help.

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Not certain but it’s likely that you have backlash in the Y movement. Check that the pinion gears are well secured and that belt tension is correct. Also check that there is not excess wobble in the laser assembly on the gantry. If you can easily move it forward and back that could be the source of the problem. Also check that the lens is properly secured to the laser module.

I did all the checks you mentioned and everything was fine except that one of the belts needed some more tightening and that improved the results a bit. The edges are still a bit jagged. I have noticed that my table has a bit of a wobble in the y-direction, so this might be the reason. I will try to stabilize it and see if that helps. Thanks a lot for your help!

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Try to use line after fill. It might get rid of the jagged edges. I use this for the dog tags I make and it really helps.

You can further fine tune backlash with Scanning Offset Adjustment, see here for more: Scanning Offset Adjustment - LightBurn Software Documentation

The pin/badge looks great by the way! what material is that?

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Will definitely try that. Thanks for the tip!

If it was a backlash issue, wouldn’t it also appear in the x-direction?

Thank you! Its just a piece of plywood I had lying around :slight_smile:

Backlash is potentially axis independent. Meaning you could have backlash in just X and not Y, in just Y and not X, or in both X and Y.

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