Crosshair gap between handle and object

Using the handle to resize an object, the crosshair is not as expected in the position of the edge of the object, instead keeps in the position of the handle (black square).
This gap is not helpful while using the crosshair pointer to align with other objects.

Thanks for reading,

Something is not right, can you send a file with the problem?, I have not seen this behavior of this function.

Hi Bernd, first you must enable in → Edit → Settings “Show full screen line cursor” .
Then draw 2 rectangles like in the first picture. Click the middle handle on the right side of the bounding box of the upper rectangle and draw the cursor so far that the vertical line of the crosshair is in one line with the right edge of the lower box. You can see the gap. In this position leave the mouse button. As result (pic.2) the edges of the boxes are not in line as expected.

I never used the “big cross”, couldn’t see the point of it. You have to wait a bit, in the beta version a function is currently being tested which is so brilliant for exactly what you are asking for, works in all horizontal and vertical directions and center and midpoints…alignment and construction of simple items becomes significantly easier.
(Oz “presented” it at the LightBurn conference last Friday.)

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