I have a file which keeps sending - ‘CSV file had an error on line 9’. I have run every line individually on the same sheet with no problems, it is just when the data is there collectively it shows this error. Any ideas?
There’s almost certainly something wrong with the file contents in spite of your test.
Can you upload the .lbrn file and CSV file that you’re using or a subset of those that show the issue? You may need to change the file extension of the CSV file to .txt to be able to upload the file.
CSV test 2.csv (4.9 KB)
Here is the lightburn file too
Design Template - VARIABLE TEXT - DO NOT OVERWRITE.lbrn2 (38.8 KB)
What needs to be done to get the error to appear? Simple tests are not showing this.
If you scroll out in the lightburn file, you can see what I am trying to pull from the CSV sheet.
Every time I try and pull the data through I get ‘line 9’ error
I’m not following what you mean by this. Are you pushing the Test button in Variable Text window?
If so, I can’t recreate this. I’m running beta 1.4.01 so there’s a chance that something has changed since 1.2.01 that you’re running but I don’t recall any variable text changes any time recently.
I can’t even import the file, so the fact that you can has given me hope. I will update my version and see if that fixes it
Perfect…after downloading updated version it seems to be working fine. Thank you for you help
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