It cuts beautifully but engraving is a mess. It’s leaving curved inner edges and not completely filling the space it should. I’ve tried a range of settings including adjusting the speed/overscan option in the actual settings menu. Some improvement with that but still not right.
I run a K40 and Emblaser 2 with no issues so suspect it is the laser but hoping it’s a setting I’ve missed.
I’m not sure which settings these were as I’ve been playing for the better part of a week but I used my standard K40 settings to start with (350 LPI, 250mm/s, 25% power). If you need more info than that let me know and I can add it in.
I’ve run from 250mm/s all the way down to 50mm/s with absolutely no change in the end quality. Everything I’ve read says I should be running at minimum 300mm/s with this particular laser.
ETA, the outer lines are correct, that’s exactly where they should be. The inner parts aren’t filling correctly.
Try 25mm / s and correspondingly your power, to see the difference.
For “normal” engraving I use approx. 150 LPI with good result and 2-4% overscanning. It looks like you are engraved in the same direction as your wood fibers, it also has a big impact.