I understand taper warp, and steps per rotation etc. I just can’t get my head around the curves on wine glasses. Can anyone share the correct way to make a quality glass? I make whiskey classes by the 100’s. I have done some stemless glasses, but only on the flattest part.
I think I understand your question. You’re wanting to know how to adjust the graphics on a glass shaped like this.
I use the largest circumference for the rotary dimension. What you need to understand is the graphics will only be perfect around this area, they will squeeze as the circumference gets smaller and you may need to adjust your graphic slightly to get it to look correct. A simple line of text, like Bride and Groom names, I wouldn’t adjust at all. Something larger would require warping to make it appear correct. It will be more noticible on something with a line border or a circle that should be perfectly round, but any graphics will require warping similar to this. I exaggerated for display purposes and you will need to do your own experimentation to get the look you want.
If I totally misunderstood your question, plese clarify.