Thanks to this place, I solved the problem of laser engraving accuracy of my LED customizable glowing ring!
The material of the ring is silicone, the surface is sprayed with masking oil, laser engraving on the ring face, reverse phase engraving pattern. Adjusting the power from 70% to 40% made the pattern clearer.
Hi Randy, the glowing rings made by myself, here’s the real video:
I want to try to mass produce them because some friends say it’s interesting, but it’s really hard to publicize them and find the right people, and digging deeper I realize that marketing takes a lot of money, and it’s hard to mass produce it if I don’t get enough orders
Hi Peter, thank you for the suggestion! I’m currently in the pre-launch phase of a Kickstarter campaign for these glowing rings. The customizable version will be priced at $79, and the non-customizable version at $69, excluding shipping costs. There will also be discounts for purchasing multiple rings at once.
Right now, I’m promoting the project on platforms like TikTok and YouTube to generate interest and support before the campaign officially launches. If you have any feedback or suggestions, I’d greatly appreciate it—it would mean a lot as I prepare to move forward!
That’s great. Loads of little suggestions spring to mind…but thats loads of extra things you dont need to be thinking about…or re thinking about. “Plough on bro”…as we say!
The multiple purchase option seems like a good (friends) incentive & targeted selling for that type of product, age group, location & impulse…urge purchase V price point.
I’ll work it into conversations…and listen for anything worth reporting back.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words! I really appreciate your support and insights. It’s true, there’s so much to think about, but I’ll keep “ploughing on” as you said!
Thats a pretty premium price point with a lot of competitors selling at novelty prices.
I asked a buddy of mine to value it and he came in multiples lower…so I pressed him with the scenario of ‘his 16yr old daughter wanted one with a picture of her adorable golden retriever puppy engraved on it…and its her birthday in two weeks time’. He came back with an offer three times less & very close to whats on offer. I asked if his daughter would buy it herself and he said…too pricey!
So that narrows the advertising locations and the demographic of potential customers.
In advertising I would emphasise the people who you would ‘ideally’ see wearing, at suitable location and time…greenscreen a Dubi pool party or rave in Paris haha.
I also see a lot of Bat/Led clear & colored perspex type pendants, bracelets etc, really cheap and laserable.
Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, Peter! I really appreciate you taking the time to dig into this and even asking your friend for an opinion—it’s incredibly helpful.
You’re absolutely right that the price point is premium compared to some novelty items, but that’s largely because of the production and assembly process. The silicone body, LED components, and especially the customizable engraving all require higher-quality materials and more labor-intensive assembly. These factors drive up the costs significantly compared to simpler, mass-produced accessories.
I agree with your point about targeting the right audience—high-end events or trend-focused locations are exactly the kind of spaces where this product could stand out. I’ll also think about how to better communicate the value of the rings through my advertising.
Thank you again for sharing such valuable insights—it really means a lot to me!
Veterinary Clinics. Imagine a pet owner that had to put their pet to sleep. At that point in time you are offering a solution to an emotional problem. You are not selling. A same day turn around will set you apart.
Get the vet involved so that it seems like it was their thoughtful gesture to their patient. They will never forget the Veterinary Clinic for it, the patients will most likely keep bringing their current amd future pets to them.
Its a super soft sell for you and an ongoing business model for you to duplicate with other veterinary clincs. I strongly suggest getting yourself a patent in this concept in order to better protect your intellectual property.
Thank you so much for your valuable advice, Sas! I really love the idea of focusing on pet-themed designs, especially as a sentimental keepsake for pet owners—such a unique angle.
In addition to the pet designs, I’m also experimenting with other customizable ring faces, such as the 12 zodiac signs, to appeal to a broader audience. Since the rings are fully customizable, it’s exciting to think about all the different directions I could go with the designs.
By the way, I’ve already submitted a patent application for the concept, so I’m working on protecting this idea as we move forward.
Create a focus group. Invite a group of 6 of your acquaintances that are interested in your ring concept as well as people who have said they would buy a ring like yours to a pizza and beer or juice lunch over a weekend. This luncheon should be No more than 1 hour long.
Mount a GoPro on a tripod with full audio in the corner of your lunch room. Tell your guests that you are using the GoPro so that way you don’t need to take notes and interrupt their train of thought.
Have 3 questions you want to expand on and ask your patrons what they think? Why? How? Types of designs that might interest them
In regards to your questions. LISTEN DO NOT INTERRUPT. Do not take notes just observe and listen. Your video and audio will be your decoder device after everybody leaves. You will see face gestures others make to hearing another member speak. This will tell you if the other 5 listening support the concept or not. You will not even need to ask them. Their expression and body language will speak.
For the price of a pizza you will gain an unadulterated view of what you are seeking to expand on.( Order a couple of flavorful restaurant pizzas a meat and a vegetarian NOT Little Cesars) Give quality get quality.
Good luck . I think you have a gold mine on your hands.
Couple of quick comments Sayen…We had a mini hurricane here a couple of nights ago and have had no power and roofing sheets blown of workshop…
Now yer talkin! good ideas there and thumbs up to other’s comments.
It could be cheaper to try out other designs by buying a bunch of Blanks with your engraving on them…Zodiac etc…Great!
They are cheap per bunch 24ish and you could experiment and Add value++ to your own design when you know the most popular etc.
These could be copied easily by loopholes in patent so I would put money into Testing - Samples - Promo and be first to market to secure marketshare & (Ad-space & producer agreement to not supply others…unless your doing that.) & guage market size (location) and logistics (tax & tariffs) before production/sale’s.
Good comments about emotional aspect to promotion.
If the product is manufactured and exported from China a producer agreement is worthless and litigating it in case of breach of agreement will be a money pit.
I had a deal from China insured by Lloys of London thinking it would help in case of a breach of contract and Loyys paid me after 5 years a lot of.lost time and money because they couldnt even get the Chinese to honor their agreement .
So China based deals are wortless unless you are into self infliction of pain and suffering.
Agreed, I have the feeling that its about getting to market and moving on when the vultures arive…its the natural course of things.
Just like the markets (investing)…Timing is everything and there is a degree of satisfaction in taking a profit and moving on…no point in guarding something that will be replaced by the only constant (change).
Thanks a ton for the super detailed advice! The focus group idea is gold—I love it. I’ll definitely look into organizing something like that soon. Listening to real feedback without interrupting is something I’ll keep in mind (though it’s hard not to jump in when you’re excited, haha). I’ll make sure to grab some good pizzas and set up that GoPro!
I’m really sorry to hear about the mini-hurricane and the damage to your workshop—that sounds like a nightmare. I hope you and everyone there are safe, and that you’re able to get things back on track soon. Sending good vibes your way!
Thanks for the extra push on timing and market entry. You’re absolutely right—it’s all about moving fast and staying ahead of the competition. I’ve been thinking a lot about what Sas and others mentioned, like focusing on emotional connections (like pet memorials) and testing designs with a focus group. I’m also looking into ways to lower costs by experimenting with blanks, as you suggested.
Right now, my biggest challenge is promotion. I’ve been posting videos on TikTok, YouTube… but the views are stuck around 1,000 - 2,000, and I’m not seeing much conversion to Kickstarter followers. It’s frustrating, but I’m trying to stay focused and keep pushing forward.
Take care, and I hope things get better on your end soon.
Wow, thanks for sharing your experience—sounds like a real headache. I’ll definitely be cautious about manufacturing agreements, especially with China.