Cut/Layers menu disappears

Dear Brains Trust. Lightburn boots OK and works for a while. Then it gets into a mode where double clicking on the e.g. cut/layers menu comes up for a fraction of a second, and then disappears. If I click on Windows to see where it might have gone, I can only click on that oonce and then it disappears. Any thoughts?

That’s not normal behavior. Try resetting the window layout by starting LightBurn while holding shift key.

Thanks. I’ll try that. Looking at Task Manager there seem to be maybe a hundred instances of Lightburn running

Also not normal. Try rebooting or shutting down all LightBurn and COM Surrogate processes.

I rebooted a few times recently, and the fault came back. Since rebooting and holding the shift key down when starting, it hasn’t done it again (so far)

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