Hey all, I think I may have found a bug. If I do the following:
Load a job
Set all of my cut information (Like 01 being and engrave, 02 being a small hole cutout, 03 being a large hole cutout, etc.)
Save the project.
Then if I delete something from the job because I want to only cut one thing among a bunch of things.
Run the job.
Then CTRL-Z back to just before deleting the previously mentioned stuff.
The cuts in the cut list change the order they are executed.
This is a big problem when making nameplates. I usually do my text engraving, then cut out mounting holes, then cut out the nameplate. This way the nameplate doesn’t move. But, the re-ordering changes the order of operations and that sometimes screws stuff up.
No what I’m saying is, if I put the cut order the way I want it, then save. Then delete something, then CTRL-Z (one time) to get the thing I deleted back the cut order changes.
Ok… Lets say I have a whole bed of name plates. There are several cuts/layers whatever you wan to call em. As such:
01 Blue - Engrave
03 Green - Line Engraving
02 Red - Cutout Small Holes
07 Magenta - Cutout Large/Irregular Holes
00 Black - Cutout Plate
I do it in this order so the plate doesn’t drop out of the material (If I cut it out first) and them mis-align for all the subsequent operations. I picked the colors I did simply for visibility to me.
Now I SAVE the job. This should lock in the order of my colors shown above.
Now. Lets say I wanted to test a different material. So, I delete all the nameplates and print just the upper left hand one to make sure my settings are ok.
Then I CTRL-Z “ONCE”. When I do the 07 - Magenta jumps to AFTER the 00 - Black.
I guess that’s because you only “store” the “visual” information to the internal memory, like shape and color, but the layer position is not stored inside the graphical content. So if you paste it back in / undo, the layers are assigned in the order they are put back in. I don’t know if it’s possible to retain the information of the layer order.
But since I don’t know the internal programming, I wanted to note the following:
In my opinion, that’s the wrong approach in general. You should never delete objects to disable output. Just select “cut selected graphics only” in laser window. Then only select that shape / text / graphic that you want to send and start the job.
People tend to do all sorts of disabling layers, resorting objects, deleting objects, moving them out of workspace… but all you need to do is use “cut selected graphics only” and you don’t need to mess around with all these.
I’m also using the latest version of Lightburn on a Windows 10 computer.
If all elements of a layer are deleted, the layer is also removed from the list.
If I press Ctrl+Z, the object is restored and the layer is reinserted at the end of the list, not where it was before.
I don’t consider this a bug. It is what it is.
Knowing this, I’ll just have to go the “only laser marked objects” route.
They don’t do. I agree that in your use case, this could be considered a bug. It might be convenient that the layer order is also saved for the undo-operation.
Though, to me, it makes perfectly sense that newly added layers are ALWAYS added to the end of the list. Because if they would go where they had been last time, you would screw up your order as well (imagine you’re adding another cut layer you used in that file a year ago. This layer was on position 3 of 10. If you do not specifically pay attention to where it landed, it will be in an arbitrary position between all other layers).
So, I think, the directive “a new layer gets added to the end” makes perfectly sense.
Though, in case of the undo-operation, I agree that it would be more logical to have it sorted like it was before.
To assist in fully understanding what you are experiencing, please provide your project file (.LBRN / .LBRN2) along with any assets required to build your project file. We can then do further testing to confirm behavior.
He is talking about this effect: (I deleted to objects of the middle layers. When removed and then put back, the layers (blue, green) are put at the end of the list instead of where they were before)
@JohnJohn mentioned in a chat with Oz (our Lead Developer) to confirm. This is known, and an active report is in play. The timing of resolution is yet to be determined, but the team is aware. We will update as we learn more. Thanks again for bring this to our attention.