Cut may be out of bounds

Hi I have an Ortur LM3 and I’ve been trying to make a scrap board grid. All is ok until I try to print the side numbers. I’ve even tried to print then separately… It will print up to 30 if I press the yes button but then stops. I hope somebody can help. Thanks in advance

Hello Robert,

Could you post a FULL screenshot of LightBurn your project open, making sure Layers and Laser Panel are in view?

Here you are and thank you for replying

You are VERY very close to the extreme of your design - as you should
But this means you will have to disable Overscan to 0%

Overscan expands by a given % the movements of the laser.
If you are at MAX length, even 0.5% more will cause a Alarm 2

Click the layer > uncheck Overscan.
Should be ok

I’m sorry I am very new to this where can I find the uncheck Overscan

Sorry Robert,

Double click the layer (or layers)
And uncheck OverScanning
Then click Ok
If you have multiple layers must do it per layer.
This is only necessary because you are really trying to - and you have to - use the FULL size of the engraver.

Hi Gil
OK I’ve found it thanks for your help

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