Cut my running route on map

Hi there,
I would like to make one of my projects but I am not sure how to proceed
I am runner and I am tracking my runs with Garmin watch so I have .gpx file of my running route.
What I want to achieve is to engrave map of area where I ran and cut the running route. I can imagine this as 2 layers where one (map) will be engraved and second (my running route) will be cut.
But I really have no idea how to achieve this.
I am usually using LightBurn and Inkscape SW

Any ideas, suggestions?
Thanks in advance

  1. Looks like there is a free utility that can convert gpx data to svg:
    Open Source: gpx2svg |
  2. There’s also an inkscape extension using that tool if you want to bring into Inkscape directly. This seems unnecessary as you could go from gpx → svg → LightBurn but could be useful if you do this a lot and want to edit in Inkscape.
    Inkgpx2svg - Inkspace the Inkscape Gallery | Inkscape
  3. You can likely download map data from openstreetmaps or other sources of GIS data

The usual meaning of Cut would result in your route falling out of the map, which is probably not what you expect. :grin:

Most likely, you want to engrave the map, then highlight your route using darker / bolder / wider engraving based on the GPX data. In that case, you’ll have the map on one layer with appropriate engraving settings and the route on another layer with different engraving settings. Those layers will have Fill settings.

In any event, you’ll definitely want a rectangle around the map perimeter, which goes on another layer with Line settings to cut it out of the stock material.

@ednisley - falling out is exactly what I am lookiing for, because that empty space I would like to fill with colored epoxy
this is what I found to get SVN from GPX GPX to SVG online Converter - so that could be layer for cut. Just not sure how to place this layer into another layer with map (and fit) which will be engraved

@berainlb thank you also for your suggestion
“You can likely download map data from openstreetmaps or other sources of GIS data” - you mean to download the map and then as upper layer place the SVN from GPX on it?

So, you’ll cut the run route out of the engraved map, then laminate that to a backboard, then fill the cuts with epoxy?

Easy enough. I’d suggest adding a backboard layer with an engrave of the map board outline cut to help alignment during glue-up.

Depending on source, you may have to do some adjusting of the map image to get what you expect.

Plan to do several tests that you can afford to scrap. Work small at first. No need to use full size piece for tests.

Yes. I assume the GPX data is literally only the path data and excludes any map information.

yes, GPX is just part, nothing else
my challange currently is to place this GPX path to map as underlaying layer

If you identify start or end of the GPX path, you should be able to relocate it to known map location.

If that’s not working then you could try a tool that merges the GPX data with the map in advance.

GPS Visualizer: SVG/JPEG/PNG input form

Now that is a pretty idea!

When you run loops, add tabs to keep “islands” from falling out, as in one of our recent bike rides:

Tinkering with the tab power and spacing should let you cut partial tabs with enough room for epoxy fill over them.

When you run out-and-backs, the path will need cleanup to prevent burning adjacent trenches:

That’s best done to the vector path, before you convert it to a fixed bitmap image: nudge neighboring nodes atop each other.

Definitely show us your finished maps!

What I am not sure how to achieve is to cut the line thick enough

So let say I have a route (made as GPX to SVN) like this:

When I will laser this it will be single line, so the cut into wood will be as thick as laser beam (so very narrow). So I would need Lightburn thinks about the route not as line, but “rectangle”
So when laser finishes the cut the route is not e.g 0,2mm narrow, but let say 1mm

Assuming you started with an SVG you can use Offset Shapes tool to create a wider closed shape around the existing line. This will give the appearance of a thicker line.