Cut Shape through map roads

I am trying to cut a circle through map roads to make way for some text etc. I have tried the boolean operators as well as in different orders and cant seem to clear out the circle the way I want. I basically want it to cut through the roads and close the path and clear out the inside of the circle. The boolean operators work however they are not accomplishing what I want so I am sure I am doing something wrong or maybe there is a better way. I have attached some screen shots. I am just trying to get the roads out of there so I can put a compass in the area where the circle is.

Thanks in advance for any help/tips

Use the CUT SHAPES command. Lightburn is so user friendly that it sometimes is too obvious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Confusingly, there’s both Cut Shapes:

And Trim Shapes:

It can be overly helpful sometimes … :grin:

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I am feeling awfully dense this morning. Cut shapes would not work (I did try that one before as well) I missed trim shapes so using that seems to work but what I am left with is an open path, ok no problem lets just draw a line and connect the nodes and close the path. Nope I cannot seem to get this path to close. I know I have done this before like I said I am having a rough go of it this morning.

I also tried converting the circle to path and then using trim with the nodes between the overlapping path. It removed the lines but still left with an open path I cannot seem to get closed.

Nodes cannot connect more than two lines. A 3 or 4 way intersection will not close.

If need be, close off the two separate shapes individually, then stretch them to touch or overlap a tiny bit.

Thank Jim for the continued help I thought thats what I was doing here. Here is a close up

I am trying to close these off at each end where the circle intersected them. I left the parts of the circle there hoping I could use those line segments to close the path.

Follow these steps. Duplicate the circle that you want to cut otherwise it will be gone after the cut operation. Make sure your orange layer is in fill mode, this is the key to getting closed shapes after the cut. Shift click on the orange layer in the layers panel to select all of your roads. Shift click the circle. Go to Tools> Cut shapes then click off of the image deselecting everything. Click on the center roads and delete. Circle cut out, roads still closed shape.


Oh my lord THANK YOU!!! That worked perfectly. I am not sure what I was missing though so thats worry some as I do want to learn from this. I guess I need to play around with this more but that worked for what I was working on right at the moment. Again Jim, Tim…thank you so much for taking the time to respond to this.

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Happy to be a part of your success. I had a lot of help getting started and I have learned way more from this group of fine people than I could ever hope to pass on. My most often used key is CTRL+Z - “backup one step”. I have worn the paint oft the “Z” key.

Do get in the habit of making a backup copy on those large projects, every once in a while.

Be the light in somebody’s lfie - I choose to be the laser light :wink:


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