Cutting a line outside the object

Hello all Friends. I have some problem with croping.
First, I created a rectangle, reduced its left side to the required size, added a horizontal line, multiplied it, and now I want to cut it so that there is this large object with lines inside without the lines outside. How to do it? There’s also a smaller rectangle in the middle, and it shouldn’t have these lines inside either.
I am attaching the file if anyone wants to help.

This is my file:

Is this what you are looking for?

ciuchcia.lbrn2 (12.2 KB)

I used the node editor to insert a node where the lines crossed then delete the line segment I didn’t want.

Here is a link to the documentation…

Here’s a quick video…

Tried to download it again and use a different approach, but it appears that the original file has been deleted… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Good luck


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The file is remote from the server. An hour - it goes by quickly…

I can download this file now, You can’t?
I upload this file to wetransfer too:

Yes @jkwilborn that was what i want. If someone can make video of this work wiil be great for me, or make pics step-by-step :smiley:

I set up something similar…

Select the area (or everything) then use the node edit tool node-edit.

Insert nodes where you are going to separate the line… red arrows…

Same for right side… start of line and end of line…

Delete the line segment…

If you hover the mouse over the node-edit it will display the options…


Make sense?

As you learn Lightburn you’ll find other ways to do things. If the lines could have been made differently so the result was a closed object, you could use the boolean operations which would have made this much more simple.

Good luck


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…not the “original” file before the task was solved.

Thx for all replies, i will try tomorrow with this tips.

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