Cutting Acrylic...10mm

Finally rcvd my batch of arylic, came in yesterday
Had to get a friend to bring over his forklift, 3200 lbs…
46 Sheets (1220mm x 2440mm) (4’x8’) sheets
cut in two pieces 1040mm x 1220mm / 1400mm x 1220mm

So basically we unloaded a bunch, the heavy 15mm pieces were a bear…

But took one of the 10mm - 1040x1220 piece cut it into 6pcs 346 x 610
Pic Below will be cut into 3 parts.

Next cut then 346 x 610 panels into 50mm x 100mm total 36 pcs

Settings for the Monport 130w
3" Lens / 76.2mm - 20mm dia.
Nozzle set to 10mm off the Material for cutting. (Best decided FP )
SPEED 4mm/s
POWER 50% 18ma (Monport rating ~~ 60-70watts)
Airflow - 10psi (to help keep flame ups down)

Used 2 ATOMSTACK Trays connected together…
each work area (460 x 425mm.)
together work size ( 460 x 850mm )

Now what I found with the ATOMSTACK Trays, they are much better then just putting the acrylic sheet the honeycomb for flashback yet the bottom side has punch outs for air pull that inhibit the airflow pull down thru the honeycomb bed! Basically the air flow has to make a 90deg. turn !

Each one of the punch outs I had decided to cut off to allow maximum air flow down from the top, as the acrylic would gather fumes and spark flames…
That took a few days and big pair of had cutters, 1 snip then bend to break off, but wow what a job.
Did make a big difference… No flame ups…

I also helped the air flow by putting some plastic shelf liners over the open unused honeycomb area not being used. ( see pic below )

Below…You can see the dual ATOMSTACK to the left side, showing the cut pieces from 1 panel.
36 pcs total. I decided to leave the top and bottom plastic covering on the pieces and it seemed to work out ok…
Since I have to scuff up 3 of the edges on each part it will protect the part during sanding.

Final parts ! Not looking for flame polished edges as they are getting sanded…so they came out ok. Also the kerf was pretty dang good since I used a 3" lens…

All in all I was very pleased with the first try at these parts…
I have 3/5/8/10/15mm sheets to cut… hope they go as well !