Cutting Materials

Where is the best place to purchase acrylic, wood and stainless for cutting and engraving? I have been making large projects on pine but i am interested in making smaller things like earings and key chains

Define best. Lowest cost, highest quality, fastest delivery, available where you live, the best for your budget, or a combination of everything.

I shop Amazon Prime USA and have reasonable success. That is about the only place you will find all of the things you listed in a single location.

There are a lot of sources out there. Google is your best friend.

I deal with a commercial shop in Phoenix, that gives me acrylic that haven’t used or scrap. This is find for most applications. So find someone that does this for a living and see if they have scrap they will give you.

I try to buy laser type wood from someone like Amazon, but if it sits around much it can warp.

Look locally if possible, it will be lowest cost.
