Cutting script name as one piece

Having problem welding script names so they print as one piece. Typically end up with three cuts for “Marsha”. M ars ha.

Tried with Lightburn, Corel, Inkscape…pretty frustrated at this point. HELP!

Make sure this is checked.
If I understand right.

The letters must touch in order to be welded together, so the font must be designed with that in mind.

For example, the Zapf Chancery font looks script-ish, but the letters are not joined:

You may be able to adjust the Horizontal Spacing value enough to mash the letters together, but the result may look weird:

With a bit of design liberty, you could put the letters in a surrounding frame that just touches them:

That works best with ALL CAPS and a chonky font, so it’s probably not the solution to your problem, but maybe somebody else reading this in the future can use it. :grin:

Can you show a screen shot of the font you’re working with? Not every script font has proper “tails” that overlap onto following letters and some node editing or other manipulations have to be done.

I finally found a font that worked for me “Digory Doodles”
You can download it from here. Digory Doodles
It is free
Also this is a pretty good font. IMRANS SCHOOL FONT
You can get it here: Imrans School Font Download - Fonts4Free
and it’s free!

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