D1 Pro xtool is running at full power all the time

I am a beginner and I bought a d1 pro xtool. I started up lightburn and it is staying at 100% power no matter what I change. I tried xtool creative and it would vary in power as I change it. I just cannot seem to get it to work with Lightburn. I tried $$ to make sure the $30 and $32 were correct but it still doesnt work! Please help!

How did you setup the device in LightBurn?

Did you use the .lbdev file provided by xTool that can be found here?
Use LightBurn to Operate xTool D1 Pro – xTool

If not, I suggest you start by using that file to recreate the device to see if that changes anything.

Yup! I did use the file but sadly it doesn’t work :frowning:
It keeps burning through the wood. I put it at 40 speed 10 power, 85 speed 50 power, 85 speed 6 power, 40 speed 6 power and 50 speed and 100 power. All are burning through the wood. I even tried using a thicker wood but it still scorches the wood.
(btw thank you so very much for helping me in anyway you can! :slight_smile: )

Can you upload a screenshot of what you’re trying to burn? Pleaes make sure to have the Cut/Layers window showing in the screenshot.

Also, are you able to module the power of the laser using the Fire button in Move window? Meaning, does increasing power increase laser intensity? If the Fire button is not available you can enable it in Edit->Device Settings.

When you say “40 speed” what units are you using in Lightburn? mm/s or mm/min? 40mm/min is very slow and will definitely burn through wood, even at lower power. Also, can you post a screenshot of your device settings?

Thank you! I certainly read it as mm/min and not mm/s. So I changed it to


Progress!!! :smiley: However it looks like now it does not want to burn very much at all. Thoughts?

It is nice to know this community is so welcoming! Thank you all again I seriously appreciate it!

You’re likely going too fast for the given material. Slow down the cut until you get a clear clean burn. If you haven’t already, make sure your focus is as good as you can get it.

Also, can you confirm that you can modulate the power using the Fire button in Move window?

Yes!! It is working SO much better thank you! Now I gotta figure out shading lol

It looks like I can change the power % in the Move window. Should I be changing the power here and not in the cuts/layers window?

No. These are mutually exclusive. The Fire button in Move window is used to manually enable the laser for things like focusing or precise laser positioning. The power level there is also used for framing operations.

It’s also a convenient method of verifying that you have the ability to modulate power.

Sounds like you’re in a good place now. I encourage you to now start experimenting with different materials and settings. Note that there is a Laser Tools->Material Test that can help you determine ideal settings for your laser and material.

Thank you!