Datenübertragung an Laser Fehlgeschlagen (Data transfer to laser failed)

Ich habe einen Sculpfun S9 Laser. Der Laser ist auf Lightburn Oberfläche aktiv, bei der Datenübertragung an den Laser kommt die Fehlermeldung: Datenübertragung fehlgeschlagen. Wie kann man den Laser zum laufen bringen.

I have a Sculpfun S9 Laser. The laser is active on the Lightburn surface, the error message appears when data is transferred to the laser: Data transfer failed. How do you get the laser to work?

My impression is that the CH340 driver may have been overlooked.

Start here with this excellent video.

Hi, ich habe den Treiber installiert. Ich musste den Laser aber manuell hinzufügen.

Hi, I installed the driver. I had to add the laser manually though.

Is your engraver now running with LightBurn?

Ja, der Laser läuft jetzt. Ich habe aber Probleme mit der Positionierung des Lasers und der Größe der Objekte.

Yes, the laser is running now. But I have problems with the positioning of the laser and the size of the objects.

Thank you for starting another thread. It is an excellent way for us to keep things organized and to help others find the information that they need. I will return to the other thread shortly to make sure that you are well on your way.

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