Deleting files saved in the laser

I have found that i can only delete one file at a. TI I’ve used tit o be able to select all and delete but with the newer software that option is gone , or isn it
‘Anyone know how to delete a batch of files

Are you saying you do not have this option in the ‘File List’ window?


Thanks , possibly I am too quick, but I thought my copy just said “delete”
and I was deleting each one and it takes long…thanks , will look tonight and at my program version .
When I check for updates it says its the newest

What type of controller do you have in your laser? The options shown do vary a little depending on the controller type.

Its embarrassing the delete menu ended at just delete, the delete all was off my screen, the way there menus work they can be placed all over the place , well mine the delete all was gone, I feel very stupid as I have used this delete all way back…
so thanks

Yep, this can happen. If you would like to return the menus back to the default layout for any reason, you can find that option under the main ‘Window’ menu.


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