Désinstallation complète de lightburn (Full lightburn uninstall)

Bonjour pouvez-vous me dire comment désinstaller complètement le logiciel lightburn car quand je supprime le programme et que je le réinstalle il garde mes paramètre en mémoire. merci

Hello can you tell me how to completely uninstall the lightburn software because when I delete the program and reinstall it it keeps my settings in memory. thank you

Delete the folder located at “%LOCALAPPDATA%\LightBurn”. This is the same folder as your “prefs folder” in LightBurn. This should clear all your settings.

Merci j’essais ça après ma gravure

Thank you I try that after my engraving

pas trouver ou il se situe ce dossier? dans regedit ? ou les prog windows ?

Can’t find where this file is? in regedit? or the windows programs?

This is in File Explorer. Copy-paste the name into explorer address field and it should come up. It will expand the “%LOCALAPPDATA%” to your actual user local app data location.

Bjr aucun dossier ne concerne LB avec cette recherche avec et sans le % saut sur mon logiciel fusion et je doute que cela sois en rapport. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Bjr no file concerns LB with this search with and without the % jump on my fusion software and I doubt that this is related. :smiling_face_with_tear:

“%LOCALAPPDATA%” is an environment variable setup by Windows. I’m wondering if this is language dependent.

In any case the variable should map to something like “C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\Local”.

Try navigating there manually. There should be a “LightBurn” folder there.

ok vais aller voir merci

ok will go see thanks

Bonjour , bon rien trouver pas de dossier qui y ressemble dans LB voila tous les dossiers je n’ai rien trouvé qui se rapproche MERCI de votre aide.

Hello, good nothing find no file that looks like it in LB here are all the files I did not find anything that comes close THANK YOU for your help.

pas d’infos ?

no info?

Your screenshot looks like it’s from “C:\Program Files\LightBurn”. You need to be in “C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\local\LightBurn”.

It’s possible that AppData is a hidden folder.

Check here to see how to make hidden files/folders visible:
View hidden files and folders in Windows (microsoft.com)

If you still can’t find it take a full screenshot of file explorer showing your current folder location.

Run LightBurn, click File > Open prefs folder, then quit LightBurn. After quitting, delete the contents of the prefs folder - that will remove all settings. We do not do this when you uninstall so that upgrading to a new version does not lose your settings.

Merci beaucoup de votre réponse super !!!

Thank you very much for your great answer!!!

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