Can someone who is way more educated on lasers than me please advise me what determines the maximum speed i can get out of my machine, is it the steppers, the software, the board or a mixture of any of those.
Currently running a K40 with a soon to be upgraded gantry in the 1 square metre region and at the moment I am using a standard Makerbase MKS 1.3 3d printer card with built in stepper drivers for two Nema 17 steppers ( one with with dual drive) on Windows 10
The gantry is all made and working well using linear rails on 2040 Vslot extrusions, purely linear bearings , no Vslot wheels at all.
Were doing some testing without the C02 laser head on it and we seem to be getting what appears to be a max speed of 400mms more or less, there is a noticeable drop in speed at 200 mms and when you exceed 400mm nothing changes.
To achieve more speed for cutting and for engraving what route would be best to look at, I have seen something that says on a C02 laser that there are maximum speeds of 120 mms for engraving and cutting but I have been using mine at above that and still get good engraving and cuts. ( well I believe that is so) with lightburn of course.
At some point I will probably change over to a more professional direct C02 laser card but I would like to know what I am in for, new steppers, new card, separate stepper drivers or what., the new gantry is very fast on a linear rail 15H bearings as we purchased high quality units as against the cheaper chinese ones that seem to stick etc.
The card is limited to just under two amps I believe on the MKS card so does not require separate drivers for the current steppers I have been told. I just want to know what I should be looking at to push the speed up further. ( apart from a dedicated card possibly)
Thanks for any help.