Hello everybody,
I am Andre and new here in the forum.
I own an X-carve for 3 years now and upgraded it with a 15w diode laser from China.
So I’m just trying to get into the world of the laser.
I have been testing the Lightburn software for a few days and am very happy with it.
My X-Carve still has the old power supply and the Arduino Uno with G-Shield v5b.
After connecting the laser to my G-Shield, I also started testing right away. I first tested Laserweb. But then I came across Lightburn and stayed.
It can be better served for me and it is also in my native language switch. (German)
Of course, as a beginner, I also have problems with lasers.
I do not know if this is the right thread for this.
If not, please be moved.
I allow myself to start with my problems.
As soon as I connect the laser in Lightburn, the laser briefly turns on and sets me a focal point. I think that is definitely a matter of adjustment in the software. Maybe someone knows advice.
Or maybe it’s the G-Shield. I also thought that I could adjust somewhere that he find a small point to the center.
I have already tested several things.
Among other things, an engraving of my daughter with about 150 * 200 mm.
I took Dittering with 200 dpi 1200 mm thrust and 40% power.
He needed about 9 hours for it. I think that’s faster too. Or?
Now I’ve done another test with a cross.
And then I noticed that he burns the Y axis very well but the X axis only Punkted. The mistake is definitely mine.
But what mistake do I make?:Grinsen:
So that’s enough with my problems.
I hope you can help me.
Hello again,
I got the second problem under control.
DPI down. From 200 to 75. However, the quality is not quite so good. But I’m still testing.
Problem 1 I got only partially under control. I have the machine again exactly aufall instructions https://jtechphotonics.com/?p=10204. Now I have my weak laser point to adjust the zero point. However, the laser still burns a point when connecting with the program.:Denken:
Welcome and I am sure we can help direct some solutions your way, but we will need some more information to do so.
What firmware and version are you using on your controller? What are the settings you used in LightBurn to do your “test with a cross”? An easy way to share this would be to post a screenshot of the entire LightBurn window making sure we can see the ‘Cuts’ and ‘Laser’ windows. When you reference “1200 mm thrust”, is that per second, per minute?
Note: If it helps, feel free to communicate in your native language and we can translate on our end.
Thanks for the help offered.
Well, I’m trying to get all the data.
So it’s an X-carve cutter year 2016, with an Arduino Uno with Grbl 1.1g.
And a G-Shield v5b.
The laser is a diode laser from China with 15W. https://www.ebay.de/itm/15-WATT-Focusable-Blue-Laser-Module-15000mW-Diode-CNC-Engraving-Cutter-Machine/143380062842?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749
At the cross I used with 50% power and 1200mm / min.
What I do not understand is, as soon as it’s already tilting 1 ° towards the X axis, it gets dotted. The Y axis looks very good. One recognizes the difference already with the writing. X, Y.
Is it perhaps on the G-shield that the X-axis does not get enough power?
I’m not the technology professional.
What could that be?
Short update.
I changed the G-shield now.
(I had one more in reserve)
On G-shield I think it is not.
the same mistakes come.
Is it perhaps because of some settings in Lightburn.
Slowly I despair.
Also with regard to vibrations at the CNC milling machine can not be.
Because if I cut cardboard in several steps, for example,
he scores at the bottom at every round in the same place.:nachdenklich:
Good Morning,
new update,
I have now turned the laser 90 degrees and made my test drives.
And it happens exactly the same, only this time on the Y-axis.
So no mistake of the CNC (frame). No shaking.
I have also taken another laser program, with the same cutting values.
So the wrong commands come from the G-shield ???
Or from the Arduino ???
Now I am really finished with my knowledge.
I kept looking for the error.
Is it possibly on the GRBL?
I now have GRBL 1.1g on the board.
But in the settings I found something else.
In the settings you can take with an X-Carve GRBL-M3 1.1fe or earlier and.
Could it be because of that?
Do I have to downgrade my GRBL now?
If so, how does it work?
Thanks for any help.
Thanks Blake,
that’s what irritates me.
I am irritated by the X-Carve in the description.
But it does not matter if I take GRBL or GRBL-M3, it does not work with both.
:Gesicht mit hochgezogener Augenbraue::Denken:
Oh, I see. You have an x-carve with GRBL 1.1g. Do you know where you got that firmware version? Did you install it, or was it already installed? You could try downgrading the firmware if you’re comfortable with that, and it might help.
Can I now update directly to GRBL 1.1 h via the Arduino or Xloader?
Do you know what I have to back up everything before settings, so that everything works after that? (CNC and laser)
I can’t be 100% certain of what you need to do, but definitely go to your console in LB and type $$. That should print out all your current settings. You can save them to a file, and then when you change the firmware, you can paste that into the console and it should set them correctly for you.
I don’t now the process to flash new firmware on these, sorry.
Thanks Blake,
the update has worked out wonderfully. I am now on GRBL 1.1.h.
Unfortunately, the error is still there after the first test run.
Thank you very much for your effort and help.
Can you check Edit > Device Settings? Your “S-Value Max” setting should be 255. You might have it set higher. Otherwise I do not see any issues with your settings.