Difficulty engraving a negative image!

Having a super hard time getting this image engraved on black slate. I have
tried everything. Tracing Image, Removing background, Inverting, Negative etc.and no matter what I do I can not get the face to engrave. It alway engraves the eyes and the lips but not the reverse. Please help me!

Try this

No success! I added the boarder to close the image and turned off the output and the face is still coming out black.

Save your workfile and post it here so we can see exactly what is being sent to the engraver.

Use this icon to upload your file → image

To be clearly understood - you want to engrave on slate - so you are trying to get an inverse image? What is white on the png, you want black, and what is black, you want white? You want the face to engrave on the slate - with the eyes and mouth to be left unburned (slate color?)

How are you accomplishing this? Are you choosing adjust image and selecting Negative in that dialog box or selecting Invert from the preview window? The preview window only inverts the display and not the output.

Problem is solved. A PNG negative was ungrouped and the areas such as the face were filled. Now it appears to be engraving correctly

Does that mean that the nurses head was ungrouped from the rest, and then negativeized and then regrouped with the rest.