Digital Files for Coasters

Hi, I have an OMtech AF2028 80w laser and I am new to LightBurn and the machine and I was wondering what type of digital files I can transfer into LightBurn to laser engrave some slate coasters. I am looking for digital files that I can use as I see fit, like Monograms, holiday themed etc…

Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!


The doc gives a list with some pointers:

A caveat: it seems many files out there have flaws / errors / poor implementations causing problems with laser cutters. In particular, elaborate “artistic” images / pictures do not transfer well to a CNC machine drawing them with a needle-point tool.

The doc introduces the concepts and words you need to make sense of what’s going on; it can be overwhelming, so check out the Beginner Section first. With that in hand, work through the Simple Project to gain familiarity with the whole process before trying to wrangle a free or purchased design into reality.

Welcome aboard!


Thank you very much

I have files for coasters but they are primarily for vector scoring, not raster engraving

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