My 80 watt CO2 laser carriage just stopped moving while it was doing a cut. I had changed out my power supply 20 minutes earlier due to poor cuts and changine the power supply helped the cut quality with less power. then while coing a cut the carriage just quit moving and I had to shut the laser down, the laser beam may have shut down, not sure but there was no smoke visible.
When I turn ON the laser, the carriage moves in all directions but does not go to the origin point. seems to try leaving the right rear starting point and slowly moves back and forth while searching. At this point I notices the arrow direction keys no longer function on the Ruida
new follow up, I pressed esc. on the controller and this allowed the controller to reset and the arrow keys are working again, I tried a new rectangle to cut then it mad a good cut, everything seemed to be working agsin, another cut and the carriage stopped again, laser was still firing, had to shut it down. problem is still there, the carriage stops and laser beam seems to flicker instead of cutting. Is the power supply defective ?
another follow up
the latest is I was performing a few cuts then my carriage movement stopped moving and I noticed the laser had little power and was flickering a lot and just sitting there. The laser tube was nice and bright pink and steady, so I decided to remove the new power supply and reinstall the old power supply to see what would happen. result is the same with the old power supply.
Anyone have an idea as to the problem now ?