Do I really need cermark

Hi all. Using a 60w co2. I’m having really good luck on glass and metal. Why then does everyone say you need cermark spray

Do you want to elaborate a bit ?, examples will always be very helpful.
Glass is not a “problem” here either, but I have no positive experience with metal.

Yes so photos on glass specifically. Doesn’t seem that cermark is required

How do you engrave metal/what kind.?

I use LBT100 as a spray on, much like cermark.


Ya, I was shocked. 22 gauge steel, stainless & galvanized. It’s obviously not very deep but it does mark it. Anyway, I just can’t seem to find out WHY you’d use cermark pt LBT100.

I marked some stainless with the co2, cost me a lens…

Can you get as black as my mug on stainless?

Cermark/LBT100 and many other items will molecularly bond to the surface.

They are not cheap and are used commercially. The commercial people obviously see a benefit.


Yes, except I only did and outline.

I must be daf…I still don’t get what it does.

… probably it does that you can also use fill and with a nice result, it’s a guess.

If you can’t see a difference, you should continue on with the process you are using and forget these coatings.

Have fun
