Do not have PWM Rising Edge Field in Machine Settings

Having a clear mis-step issue and advised by OMtech Tech Support to edit the PWM Rising Edge field in the Machine Settings. Regardless of version 1.2.01 or recently installed 1.6.03, I do not have this “PWM Rising Edge” to toggle from True to False or vice versa.

The jog i’m experiencing is when etching along the x axis, y axis appears to be aligned. I see the other forum posts on exchanging the motor drivers for X & Y and I am not understanding how to accomplish this.

That’s the nomenclature for Ruida controllers, which suggests the Tech Support folks were reading from the wrong script.

For GRBL controllers, which is what I assume you have from your profile, you want the Step Port Invert mask bits in the $2 config setting.

Depending on the controller, you may be able to tweak those bits in LightBurn: go to Edit → Machine Settings and look for the switches that control the Step pulse polarity.

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Great reply , thank you! Changed those settings, ran some tests and all looked good, so ran a larger test. Images on the bottom of my job were sliding and near the top/end of job, the whole thing made a significant “jump” to the right, ruining the outcome. What could cause something like this?

Because I don’t know what it was supposed to look like, I have no way to judge the result.

However, large abrupt jumps seem to happen with the data dropouts / garbles common to USB connections. These cause random symptoms: sometimes everything works, sometimes it almost works, sometimes it’s complete junk.

The typical cure: replace the cheap junk USB cable packed in the box with a better cable. It seems paying enough to get ferrite slugs on both ends of the cable also gets a good-enough set of wires & connections in between.

Using a different USB jack on the PC may shake the dice enough to turn up a better combination. Because the errors are random, it’s easy to convince yourself it’s an improvement, at least until the next error.

Make sure Windows isn’t trying to switch the USB connection into power-saving mode in the middle of the job.

There can be other causes, but those should get you started.

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