Do you get material presets with paid lic?

There are many Facebook groups that have material spec libraries you can download for free. THe best thing to do is create TEST card (from within Lightburn).

The Trial versus the paid version is exactly the same…with the trial you can’t use it after 30 days. The first year for diode is I believe is $60 and after that $30/year. After that year if you don’t want to buy the license again, you can use the software forever…you just won’t get support or updates.

Won’t get support?! Like heck they won’t!

We help folks with earlier versions all the time here. I’ve also seen countless answered email messages to and from folks without current versions of LightBurn in the Support email system. We’ve even helped folks that attempted to use cracked copies - and we’ve helped them overcome some of the problems they might have generated in doing so.

Absolutely. We say this often.

We’re generally really forward-focused here. Most of us are testing the new secret beta stuff, making things in our basements, (sometimes our kitchens - sometimes larger rooms - sometimes outside) and we’re pretty excited about what’s coming. It’s tough to look back.

The new features, product development, the beta testing, the investigations into unanticipated behaviors (we never imagined), the ‘esoteric workflows’, although they surprise and fascinate us; all these things have a cost.

I’m biased. I’m a big fan. I saw the code being pushed on the weekend. There’s a lot going on here on any given hour of the week.

It’s quite unreal and entirely worth it.

We’re also ever grateful for all the help, support and appreciation that comes from enthusiasts in the community.

Thank you all so much for your understanding and for your support.


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