Don't get what i see in sizes

Laser didn’t return to starting point

More laser power is odd unless speed is potentially increasing. Is speed changing?

Let’s try another intermediate. Run in Console:


That should make a 7.5 x 7.5 cm square. Any other changes?

Are you using Absolute Coords, User origin, or Current position? Both Absolute Coords and User origin should default to returning you to home. Current position should stop where it started.

Square is 7,5x7,5 after manually first set to left under as starting point, didn’t work well, 2nd time from last point and then the square was there.

message is before engraving: cut might be out of bounds- cont.anyway? answ. = yes.

absolute coords return to starting point with a intro piece, left corner is set and after start comm. laser moves a few centimeters right away to starting point.

Does your machine go through a homing cycle automatically? If not, then make sure to start the machine with the head at front-left. Then startup.

I suggest you leave in Absolute Coords to avoid out of bounds possibilities.

Let’s try going back to 400:


Square should be properly formed. Using Absolute Coords should burn the square on your bed to match the workspace.

The X move gives a thicker line as the Y move in the Square. No reply possible for some reason? Something about 15 reply and safetyreasons, little bit strange. But when my GRBL board is old i buy a new one, i think that an easier way to fix this.

Can you take a photo of this?

This is true for new users. Limit goes away after a period of time.

Can you take a picture of the board please?

Here is what i bought this afternoon.
the link:

I’m a mid class technician but the way to get the old GRBL working on the right way is too long. I don’t trust the result and it cost a lot of time and frustration.

The last one is below the pencil on the left side. And again 44 minutes to wait. It is not so kindly…
When i made the settings 100 and 101 to 400 the noises are great and the figure is not complete, some x and some Y movements after the frame check and also not to the begin/starting point. I changed the acceleration to 400 on Xand Y but result is the same, laser went to start point back. Strange enough is after start command the laser square result 10 x 10. That means that the frame button has some problems, the laser gave the same result, the Y is ok but the X line is much thicker

Sounds like the motor are skipping at that point. What speed are you running the job? If you time the job, does the overall time match the distance divided by speed? (in this case 400 mm)?

Do you hear the noise only at the start of the cut or across the entire length of the cut?

You can change framing speed by changing the speed setting in Move window. Framing uses the same speed as jogging moves.

Is this true for all burns or only as $100 and $101 are increased?

If you look at the shape of your laser dot, is it elongated and shaped more like a bar than a square?

I focused the laserpoint manually to a sharp small point. i changed the framespeed and that works better. The only thing is, now the laser prints backwards?? The speed so far is ok.

In the other squares it was also thin and thick

It always did this or only after some change?

Can you take a screenshot of Device Settings window? It’s likely that you’ve selected the wrong Origin for your laser. Typically this will be bottom-left for your style of machine.

This is likely just the asymmetry of the focus dot. There’s little to be done about it assuming you have good focus. You could try a different lens or just replace the laser module if this is a concern.

I found a new version of Engraver Master and downloaded it with certain kind of files. The program is still not so good but the GRBL is from 2022.
Backwards cutting is since i installed the new version. Here is my device list. When i do a lasering in the mirror up side down i get the right print.

Change origin to bottom left dot in Device Settings and retest.

Are you saying it upgraded the firmware on your controller?

Can you run this in Console:


Yep, thanks, text is okay now, even so the laser focus, lines are equal thick. After lasering he returns to home point left bottom also. Speed is super. The only problem now is the frame, laser make the movement but i don’t see a weak laser point so far.
$I gives after a run/hit [0.9.20180122:] - ok The firmware is upgraded, i found out how it works. It seems to be okay , only the laser power we have to find out and the frame function with a weak laser point.

This is confusing to me. Software wouldn’t have been able to change the physics of the machine. There must have been a different cause of the thick lines other than the laser dot shape.

Two options for this:

  1. Hold shift while you push the frame button
  2. Enable “Laser on when framing” in Device Settings

You may also need to change the power % level of Fire button in Move window. This should be set to a proper power level where the light is visible but not damaging the material.

Is this the entire output? Can you run it again and also $$? If you are now on an newer version of GRBL then you may need to make other adjustments.

Please capture all the output when you run this.

$I - return (give code as shown) $$ gives list of setting till $ 132 - ok

Shift and framing works ok, thank you, laser power set on 3%, that’s enough to see it.
The laser focus on a text string is even thick. In a Square i just burned it now also okay. I can’t explain why but is okay now. I think i can prove working with LightBurn now to get some experience before we buy a Falcon 10 Watt to cut light pieces for my models. I have also a creality Ender-6 3D Printer for my models. Nice to work with. The laser machine can do the wood parts we use for our shipmodels.
Thank you for your input(s) so far.