Don't get what i see in sizes

Glad it’s working in basic for you.

Can you copy and paste all the output here please?

The complete listing:
list complete181122.txt (1.2 KB)

It doesn’t look like your firmware was updated. But acceleration is now 100mm/s^2 as compared to before. This might be a more realistic value for your system. I don’t see how that would affect line width but this could reduce the missing steps scenario.

Anyhow, glad it’s working for you. I don’t think you need to make any other configuration changes since the firmware wasn’t updated.

OK, thank you so far for your helping hand/ideas.

Best regards, Fokke

Hi , after some sessions one problem is there with cutting fineer pieces. I set up a text and the laser is cutting the letters out perfect but between the pieces the laser still burning. How can i fix that? Now we have a ;line in the text line.

Can you take a photo of this?

Also, push the “Save gcode” button in Laser window. Save the file with a .txt extension. Then upload gcode file here.

Here the picture of the problem. The txt will come soon

Can you upload the g-code please?

Gcode3018fam.txt (17.5 KB)

Given the version of GRBL you are using you need to use GRBL-M3 for your device type, not GRBL.

  1. Devices button in Laser window
  2. Select your laser and push Edit button
  3. Select GRBL-M3
  4. Push next until device setup is complete.

Retest please.

Result after testing shows the same problem, laser won’t get out between the figures. See picture

Very odd. Can you regenerate gcode please and post?

I was reading the story from the beginning, i forgotten to send you a picture of the old MB. Here the pictures of the old and the new one which i build in now. Yes i’m pretty exp. with a soldering iron. The new board should not have many problems on my machine so far to build. To be sure that the newer one should work better i build him up now.

Gcode 3018FR2.txt (11.1 KB)

Strange enough when i did a text the first time, the frame was shown bij the 3%laser point just shift and choose frame. After that he didn’t do it again this way. Also the txt was cut perfect, you can see that on the first picture with FR on the left top in Arial font. After that trial, change the font and have the problem as i told.

Can you confirm if you’re now using the new motherboard or the old motherboard?

If using old it looks like you’re still using a GRBL device profile, not GRBL-M3. Go to Devices->Select laser->Edit->GRBL-M3->continue pushing next until complete. Then retest.

If you are now using the new motherboard then make these checks:

  1. Check that $30 and S Value Max in Device Settings match. Change S Value Max to match if they are different.
  2. Make sure that $32=1. I suspect it is not. That will enable laser mode and avoid the burned traversal lines.

I’m using the new board on the laser since yesterday. Settings as you told are okay. result is a constant burning laser by 3% , the X axis works reversed command left goes right, Y axis command up goes down. Only the Z axis works right. The sizes of a square are ok but the laser won’t cut for 100% strange enough and won’t go off. I use the Laser 1 GRBL device. The other 3018 Pro manually and the GRBL-M3 works the same way.
I send the Gcode and the $ List with this reply
GcodeGRBLM3.txt (279 Bytes)
list $nrsGRBLM3.txt (471 Bytes)

I’m not following you. Are you using two lasers or just one?

If using one laser please confirm you’re only using the new board on that laser at this point.

Please provide the following:

  1. Screenshot of Device Settings
  2. Output of $$ in Console from new board. I think this might be what you already sent but please confirm.

I have one laserunit. I’ve changed the MB for a new one. Here a picture of the device settings, the output of $$ i send you already

Does your laser have homing switches and if so does the machine home properly?

Follow these steps:

  1. Create an entirely new device for the laser. Push Devices button and pick GRBL (not GRBL-M3) for your laser type. Use bottom-left for origin. I assume 300x180 are your correct dimensions.
  2. Enter this command in Console to fix your jogging controls:

And still no action to the laserunit, it burns constantly at about 3%. Movement directions are Ok, in the laser menu movement is rev. When i choose in lasermenu devices- GRBL new, the right box jumps to the earlier 3018 pro setting. I have to change that one manually to GRBL new also. But in the $$ i see error 5: homing cycle not enabled in your GRBL settings

Delete all profiles other than the currently valid one and test again.

When do you get this? Are you attempting to home?

Again, do you have homing switches on your machine? If yes, where are they located and where would the machine home to?