Double Engrave text - flood fill only Issue

Trying to diagnose an issue thats come up lately when wanting to flood fill engrave.

Firstly Ruida controller and sending jobs via ethernet in Lightburn.
Device Settings have been modified so that the Scanning Offset adjustment is enabled and the speeds 150,300 and 500 have been calibrated (line shaft 0.25,0.51,0.90 respectively). This has been working for more than 12 months.

So normally engraving is done on ‘fill groups at once’ however there have been some larger jobs lately that this takes over 2 hrs due to the physical size of the board so ‘flood fill’ is a good option.

Photo shows the flood fill and what its doing. I have had look at the head and rails, lens (tight), mirrors. y axis belts twange differently but this was in the x direction.
As can see in the screen shot - single pass on, speed is at 300 which has a ‘scan offset’ available.
tried a half circle but it came out fine.

Just wondering if the updates have maybe allowed something that I haven’t kept up to speed with?
Any other suggestions?

Bump - any thoughts?

It’s because you’re running 1.2.01. There was a bug in Flood Fill with the new sub-layer addition in the early 1.2.xx releases, where Flood Fill was ignoring the scanning offsets, but that’s been fixed in 1.2.02 and up.

Any time you see a release with the same first two numbers as your version, but a different ending number, you should install it - it will ONLY contain bug fixes and things we consider to be ‘critical’, not new features or massive changes.

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